Expansion and re inauguration of the port of Veracruz.

Talking about the port of Veracruz, is talking about the history of Mexico, and the economic and logistic impact that it has had in the country and the world.

134 years ago, it began its construction, concluding in 1902, becoming the most important port project of the time. Managing to connect Mexico with the world, thanks to its routes of communication and trade, which gave way to new ideas, inventions and technological advancements.

Today, the port of Veracruz has again become the center of attention, due to an investment of over 31 billion mexican pesos (80% of said investment being from private sources), managing to cuadruple the port capacity to over 95 million tons when its last stage is completed. In this way having again the proper infrastructure to compete on a global scale.

The ferroviari sector is one of the most favored in this expansion, as it now allows double level height for containers and triple height for cars, through a complex network of infrastructure brought together by two private companies connecting the port with the north, center and south of the country,  and its borders.

The ample road system between Veracruz and its zones of influence, as well as the high efficiency of the specialized handling of containers and bulk cargoes, allows possibilities of increased advantages for its users. The connectivity, access controls, security of cargo, people and vehicles, as well as an information platform secure and free (Puertos sin papeles), makes this the only port in Mexico certified as ISO 28000.

The port of Veracruz has learned to take advantage of its strategic geographic position, its commercial edge and now a modernized infrastructure, to become a very attractive option for your cargo.

Unlike other port terminals in Mexico, focused only on specific cargo, Veracruz handles many types of cargoes, representing a key option for import or export for products from the USA, Canada, South America, Europe and even Asia through the extended Panama canal. 

In Vermur we are prepared to offer you the best options in this new port, with all its possibilities. Always working to bring you a competitive advantage to facilitate your success. Call us at +52 442 167 3042, ext 1 or write to us at salesmanager@vermur.com, let the experts take care of your business.